Luminance Podcast

Dying to Live Author Dr. Ross Beach, Personal Reflections From the Mission Field

Sharon C.Jenkins Season 3 Episode 1

Dr. Ross Beach, received a PhD from Michigan State University with a major in Agricultural and Extension Education. My wife Inky (Leslie) and I served 47 years with The Evangelical Alliance Mission in Korea, Chad and on special assignment. As a result, we gained extensive cross-cultural experience, having visited forty countries and lived in four countries. I speak English, French and Korean. I have taught workshops and seminars on Christian Community Development, online courses for Crown College, and participated as a guest speaker at Wheaton College Graduate School, Calvin College, Michigan State University and Moody Bible Institute. I recently wrote a book about those 47 years. It is titled Dying to Live and can be purchased at

My wife died on Good Friday 2020 as her three bouts with cerebral malaria in Chad did result in severe Alzheimer’s years later.

About the book: Dying to Live is written from the heart as my wife and I faced life-threatening challenges and changes that required us to stand strong when confronting rebel soldiers, moving 220 tons of seed rice to 10,000 families in need, crossing the Sahara Desert by pickup, and dealing with cerebral malaria. You will find this book easy to read as the story comes to life from a collection of experiences over a period of years as recorded in past letters and reports. This book is an instructive read on living the Christian life by faith in God and following through by obedience and commitment to God’s will.

“A marvelous picture of service to Christ and Community. An exciting and inspirational account.”

Michael Pocock, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary

“This captivating journey pursuing God’s will makes for a page turning book.”

Evvy Hay Campbell, PhD, Wheaton College

“Dying to Live is a deep story of obedience to calling, perseverance in hardships, ingenuity in perplexing and dire situations. It is unwavering faith in God’s grace and care.”

Marvin Newell, PhD, Executive Director, Alliance for the Unreached